Homepage ======== This is the source for my [personal website](https://www.flu0r1ne.net). It's effectively a static site. It's written using the `next.js` framework which is a SSO rendering system built on `react` and `typescript`. `nginx` reverse proxies and caches it. `next.js` is overkill for a small, static project. But, the code is lean and clean. If I want to do something fancy in the future, I have all the tools. I did all the theming: simple, readable, clean, and monospaced. I also wrote a trivial CMS based on markdown and JSON. It loads the posts in chronological order and stores relevant metadata. ``` ├── components REUSABLE COMPONENTS ├── pages TOP LEVEL COMPONENTS ├── plugins WEBPACK PLUGINS ├── posts CMS DIRECTORY WITH POSTS "LOGS" ├── public STATIC DATA ├── styles PRELOADED STYLE ├── templates PAGE TEMPLATES └── utils UTILS (MOSTLY LOADING HELPERS) ```