## Hello, You've happened upon my homepage. I'm a software developer, engi-nerd, and a recent graduate of computer engineering at Texas A&M University. I've worked on a wide range of computational projects across a number of subject areas: robotics, bioinformatics, computer security, networking, deep learning, and computer systems. Engineering projects define my life, and fill much of my waking attention. I've founded and led two robotics teams, built a SLAM system for autonomous driving, worked as an undergraduate teaching assistant for a datastructures and algorithms course, built genome analysis toolkits, and have written code in high-performance routers. Much of my code lives in production systems. I'm also passionate about open-source and often flit around the internet contributing to open-source projects. Recently, I found and reported a buffer overrun in a Linux kernel driver and added zsh autocomplete support to Python's `argcomplete` module. - [The Logs](/logs) - [Public Git Projects](https://www.git.al.exander.io) - My PGP keys + [Ascii Armored](/flu0r1ne.asc) + [Binary](/flu0r1ne.pub) I've a privacy-enthusiast and go by my first name, Alex, or my legacy handle `flu0r1ne`. Best, \- Alex < alex [at] al.exander.io >