path: root/src/wg2nd.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/wg2nd.cpp')
1 files changed, 632 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/wg2nd.cpp b/src/wg2nd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c53df04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wg2nd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+#include "wg2nd.hpp"
+#include <exception>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <random>
+#include <regex>
+#include <argon2.h>
+#include <string_view>
+std::string hashed_keyfile_name(std::string const & priv_key) {
+ constexpr uint8_t const SALT[] = {
+ 0x1, 0x6, 0x1, 0x5, 0x5, 0x8, 0x3, 0xd, 0x2, 0x7,
+ 0x5, 0xc, 0x8, 0x8, 0x7, 0x2, 0x7, 0xa, 0xf, 0x5,
+ 0xa, 0x6, 0xc, 0x5, 0xf, 0xe, 0x6, 0x7, 0xf, 0xd,
+ 0x1, 0x5
+ };
+ uint8_t const * key = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const *>(priv_key.c_str());
+ uint32_t keylen = priv_key.size();
+ uint8_t t_cost = 2; // 2-pass computation
+ uint32_t m_cost = 1 << 17; // 128 mebibytes memory
+ uint32_t parallelism = 1; // single thread
+ constexpr size_t HASHLEN = 32;
+ uint8_t hash[HASHLEN];
+ argon2id_hash_raw(t_cost, m_cost, parallelism, key, keylen, SALT, sizeof(SALT), hash, HASHLEN);
+ constexpr char KEYFILE_EXT[] = ".keyfile";
+ char filename[HASHLEN + sizeof(KEYFILE_EXT)];
+ constexpr char const HEX[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv";
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < HASHLEN; i++) {
+ filename[i] = HEX[hash[i] & 0x1F];
+ }
+ // copy null terminator
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(KEYFILE_EXT); i++) {
+ filename[HASHLEN + i] = KEYFILE_EXT[i];
+ }
+ return std::string { filename } ;
+uint32_t deterministic_fwmark(std::string const & interface_name) {
+ constexpr uint8_t const SALT[] = {
+ 0x90, 0x08, 0x82, 0xd7, 0x75, 0x68, 0xf4, 0x8e,
+ 0x90, 0x74, 0x0c, 0x74, 0x0d, 0xf4, 0xfb, 0x91,
+ 0xe5, 0x44, 0x87, 0x7e, 0xce, 0x48, 0xcf, 0x01,
+ };
+ uint8_t const * key = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const *>(interface_name.c_str());
+ uint32_t keylen = interface_name.size();
+ uint32_t mark;
+ uint8_t t_cost = 2;
+ uint32_t m_cost = 1 << 10;
+ uint32_t parallelism = 1;
+ argon2id_hash_raw(t_cost, m_cost, parallelism, key, keylen, SALT, sizeof(SALT), &mark, sizeof(mark));
+ return mark;
+namespace wg2nd {
+ std::string interface_name_from_filename(std::filesystem::path config_path) {
+ std::string interface_name = config_path.filename().string();
+ interface_name = interface_name.substr(
+ 0, interface_name.size() - config_path.extension().string().size()
+ );
+ return interface_name;
+ }
+ bool _is_default_route(std::string const & cidr) {
+ static std::regex ipv4_wildcard("0(\\.0){0,3}\\/0");
+ static std::regex ipv6_wildcard("(0{0,4}:){0,7}0{0,4}\\/0{1,4}");
+ return std::regex_match(cidr, ipv4_wildcard) or std::regex_match(cidr, ipv6_wildcard);
+ }
+ bool _is_ipv4_route(std::string const & cidr) {
+ static std::regex ipv4("\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){0,3}(\\/\\d{1,2})?");
+ return std::regex_match(cidr, ipv4);
+ }
+ std::string_view _get_addr(std::string_view const & cidr) {
+ size_t suffix = cidr.rfind('/');
+ if(suffix == std::string::npos) {
+ return cidr;
+ } else {
+ return cidr.substr(0, suffix);
+ }
+ }
+ constexpr uint32_t MAIN_TABLE = 254;
+ constexpr uint32_t LOCAL_TABLE = 255;
+ // Parse the wireguard configuration from an input stream
+ // into a Config object. If an invalid key or section occurs,
+ // exists, a ParsingException is thrown.
+ Config parse_config(std::string const & interface_name, std::istream & stream) {
+ Config cfg;
+ cfg.intf.name = interface_name;
+ cfg.has_default_route = false;
+ cfg.intf.should_create_routes = true;
+ std::string line;
+ uint64_t line_no = 0;
+ enum class Section {
+ Interface,
+ Peer,
+ None
+ };
+ Section section = Section::None;
+ bool peer_has_default_route = false;
+ while (std::getline(stream, line)) {
+ ++line_no;
+ // Strip whitespace (\t) from line in-place
+ {
+ size_t i = 0, j = 0;
+ for(; i < line.size(); i++) {
+ if(line[i] != ' ' and line[i] != '\t') {
+ line[j] = line[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ line.erase(j);
+ }
+ // Remove content exceeding a comment
+ size_t comment_start = line.find('#');
+ if(comment_start != std::string::npos) {
+ line.erase(comment_start);
+ }
+ // Ignore empty lines
+ if (line.empty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Handle section: [Interface] or [Peer] specifies further
+ // configuration concerns an interface or peer respectively
+ bool interface_sec_wanted = line == "[Interface]";
+ bool peer_sec_wanted = line == "[Peer]";
+ if(interface_sec_wanted || peer_sec_wanted) {
+ cfg.has_default_route = cfg.has_default_route or peer_has_default_route;
+ peer_has_default_route = false;
+ }
+ if (interface_sec_wanted) {
+ section = Section::Interface;
+ continue;
+ } else if (peer_sec_wanted) {
+ section = Section::Peer;
+ cfg.peers.emplace_back();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Split key
+ size_t pos = line.find('=');
+ if(pos == std::string::npos) {
+ throw ParsingException("Expected key-value pair, got \"" + line + "\"", line_no);
+ }
+ std::string key = line.substr(0, pos);
+ std::string value = line.substr(pos + 1);
+ // Read keys according to corresponding section
+ switch (section) {
+ case Section::Interface: {
+ if (key == "PrivateKey") {
+ cfg.intf.private_key = value;
+ } else if (key == "DNS") {
+ std::istringstream dnsStream(value);
+ std::string dnsIp;
+ while (std::getline(dnsStream, dnsIp, ',')) {
+ cfg.intf.DNS.push_back(dnsIp);
+ }
+ } else if (key == "Address") {
+ std::istringstream addressStream(value);
+ std::string address;
+ while (std::getline(addressStream, address, ',')) {
+ cfg.intf.addresses.push_back(address);
+ }
+ } else if (key == "Table") {
+ if(value == "off") {
+ cfg.intf.table = 0;
+ cfg.intf.should_create_routes = false;
+ } else {
+ cfg.intf.should_create_routes = true;
+ if(value == "auto") {
+ cfg.intf.table = 0;
+ } else if(value == "main") {
+ cfg.intf.table = MAIN_TABLE;
+ } else if(value == "local") {
+ cfg.intf.table = LOCAL_TABLE;
+ } else {
+ long long table;
+ try {
+ table = std::stoll(value);
+ } catch(std::exception const & e) {
+ table = -1;
+ }
+ if(table < 1 || table > UINT32_MAX) {
+ throw ParsingException("Invalid option to \"Table\", must be one of \"off\", \"auto\" or a table number", line_no);
+ }
+ cfg.intf.table = table;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (key == "ListenPort") {
+ int port;
+ try {
+ port = std::stoi(value);
+ } catch(std::exception & e) {
+ port = -1;
+ }
+ if(port < 0 || port > UINT16_MAX) {
+ throw ParsingException("Invalid port: " + key, line_no);
+ }
+ cfg.intf.listen_port = port;
+ } else if (key == "MTU") {
+ cfg.intf.mtu = value;
+ } else if (key == "PreUp") {
+ cfg.intf.preup = value;
+ } else if (key == "PostUp") {
+ cfg.intf.postup = value;
+ } else if (key == "PreDown") {
+ cfg.intf.predown = value;
+ } else if (key == "PostDown") {
+ cfg.intf.postdown = value;
+ } else if (key == "SaveConfig") {
+ cfg.intf.save_config = value;
+ } else {
+ throw ParsingException("Invalid key in [Interface] section: " + key, line_no);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Section::Peer: {
+ if (key == "Endpoint") {
+ cfg.peers.back().endpoint = value;
+ } else if (key == "AllowedIPs") {
+ std::istringstream allowedIpsStream(value);
+ std::string allowedIp;
+ while (std::getline(allowedIpsStream, allowedIp, ',')) {
+ bool is_default_route = _is_default_route(allowedIp);
+ if(is_default_route and cfg.has_default_route) {
+ throw ParsingException("Default routes exist on multiple peers");
+ }
+ cfg.peers.back().allowed_ips.push_back(Cidr {
+ .route = allowedIp,
+ .is_default_route = is_default_route,
+ .is_ipv4 = _is_ipv4_route(allowedIp),
+ });
+ peer_has_default_route = peer_has_default_route or is_default_route;
+ }
+ } else if (key == "PublicKey") {
+ cfg.peers.back().public_key = value;
+ } else if (key == "PersistentKeepalive") {
+ cfg.peers.back().persistent_keepalive = value;
+ } else if (key == "PresharedKey") {
+ cfg.peers.back().preshared_key = value;
+ } else {
+ throw ParsingException("Invalid key in [Peer] section: " + key, line_no);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Section::None:
+ throw ParsingException("Unexpected key outside of section: " + key, line_no);
+ }
+ }
+ cfg.has_default_route = cfg.has_default_route or peer_has_default_route;
+#define MissingField(section, key) \
+ ConfigurationException("[" section "] section missing essential field \"" key "\"")
+ // Ensure PrivateKey, Address, PublicKey, and AllowedIPs are present
+ if(cfg.intf.private_key.empty()) {
+ throw MissingField("Interface", "PrivateKey");
+ }
+ if(cfg.intf.addresses.empty()) {
+ throw MissingField("Interface", "Address");
+ }
+ for(Peer const & peer : cfg.peers) {
+ if(peer.public_key.empty()) {
+ throw MissingField("Peer", "PublicKey");
+ }
+ if(peer.allowed_ips.empty()) {
+ throw MissingField("Peer", "AllowedIPs");
+ }
+ }
+#undef MissingField
+ return cfg;
+ }
+ static void _write_table(std::stringstream & firewall, Config const & cfg, std::vector<std::string_view> addrs, bool ipv4, uint32_t fwd_table) {
+ char const * ip = ipv4 ? "ip" : "ip6";
+ firewall << "table " << ip << " " << cfg.intf.name << " {\n"
+ << " chain preraw {\n"
+ << " type filter hook prerouting priority raw; policy accept;\n";
+ for(std::string_view const & addr : addrs) {
+ firewall << " iifname != \"" << cfg.intf.name << "\" " << ip << " daddr " << addr << " fib saddr type != local drop;\n";
+ }
+ firewall << " }\n"
+ << "\n"
+ << " chain premangle {\n"
+ << " type filter hook prerouting priority mangle; policy accept;\n"
+ << " meta l4proto udp meta mark set ct mark;\n"
+ << " }\n"
+ << "\n"
+ << " chain postmangle {\n"
+ << " type filter hook postrouting priority mangle; policy accept;\n"
+ << " meta l4proto udp meta mark 0x" << std::hex << fwd_table << std::dec << " ct mark set meta mark;\n"
+ << " }\n"
+ << "}\n";
+ }
+ std::string _gen_nftables_firewall(Config const & cfg, uint32_t fwd_table) {
+ std::stringstream firewall;
+ std::vector<std::string_view> ipv4_addrs;
+ std::vector<std::string_view> ipv6_addrs;
+ for(std::string const & addr : cfg.intf.addresses) {
+ if(_is_ipv4_route(addr)) {
+ ipv4_addrs.push_back(_get_addr(addr));
+ } else {
+ ipv6_addrs.push_back(_get_addr(addr));
+ }
+ }
+ if(ipv4_addrs.size() > 0) {
+ _write_table(firewall, cfg, ipv4_addrs, true, fwd_table);
+ firewall << "\n";
+ }
+ if(ipv6_addrs.size() > 0) {
+ _write_table(firewall, cfg, ipv6_addrs, false, fwd_table);
+ }
+ return firewall.str();
+ }
+ static std::string _gen_netdev_cfg(Config const & cfg, uint32_t fwd_table, std::filesystem::path const & private_keyfile,
+ std::vector<SystemdFilespec> & symmetric_keyfiles) {
+ std::stringstream netdev;
+ netdev << "# Autogenerated by wg2nd\n";
+ netdev << "[NetDev]\n";
+ netdev << "Name = " << cfg.intf.name << "\n";
+ netdev << "Kind = wireguard\n";
+ netdev << "Description = " << cfg.intf.name << " - wireguard tunnel\n";
+ netdev << "\n";
+ netdev << "[WireGuard]\n";
+ netdev << "PrivateKeyFile = " << private_keyfile.string() << "\n";
+ if(cfg.intf.listen_port.has_value()) {
+ netdev << "ListenPort = " << cfg.intf.listen_port.value() << "\n";
+ }
+ if(cfg.intf.should_create_routes and cfg.intf.table != 0) {
+ netdev << "RouteTable = ";
+ switch(cfg.intf.table) {
+ netdev << "local";
+ break;
+ case MAIN_TABLE:
+ netdev << "main";
+ break;
+ default:
+ netdev << cfg.intf.table;
+ break;
+ }
+ netdev << "\n";
+ }
+ if(cfg.intf.should_create_routes and cfg.has_default_route) {
+ netdev << "FirewallMark = 0x" << std::hex << fwd_table << std::dec << "\n";
+ }
+ netdev << "\n";
+ for(Peer const & peer : cfg.peers) {
+ netdev << "[WireGuardPeer]\n";
+ netdev << "PublicKey = " << peer.public_key << "\n";
+ if(!peer.endpoint.empty()) {
+ netdev << "Endpoint = " << peer.endpoint << "\n";
+ }
+ if(!peer.preshared_key.empty()) {
+ std::string filename = hashed_keyfile_name(peer.preshared_key);
+ symmetric_keyfiles.push_back(SystemdFilespec {
+ .name = filename,
+ .contents = peer.preshared_key + "\n",
+ });
+ netdev << "PresharedKeyFile = " << filename << "\n";
+ }
+ for(Cidr const & cidr : peer.allowed_ips) {
+ netdev << "AllowedIPs = " << cidr.route << "\n";
+ }
+ if(!peer.persistent_keepalive.empty()) {
+ netdev << "PersistentKeepalive = " << peer.persistent_keepalive << "\n";
+ }
+ netdev << "\n";
+ }
+ return netdev.str();
+ }
+ static std::string _gen_network_cfg(Config const & cfg, uint32_t fwd_table) {
+ std::stringstream network;
+ network << "# Autogenerated by wg2nd\n";
+ network << "[Match]\n";
+ network << "Name = " << cfg.intf.name << "\n";
+ network << "\n";
+ network << "[Link]" << "\n";
+ network << "ActivationPolicy = manual\n";
+ if(!cfg.intf.mtu.empty()) {
+ network << "MTUBytes = " << cfg.intf.mtu << "\n";
+ }
+ network << "\n";
+ network << "[Network]\n";
+ for(std::string const & addr : cfg.intf.addresses) {
+ network << "Address = " << addr << "\n";
+ }
+ for(std::string const & dns : cfg.intf.DNS) {
+ network << "DNS = " << dns << "\n";
+ }
+ if(cfg.has_default_route and cfg.intf.DNS.size() > 0) {
+ network << "Domains = ~." << "\n";
+ }
+ network << "\n";
+ if(!cfg.intf.should_create_routes) {
+ return network.str();
+ }
+ constexpr uint8_t POLICY_ROUTE_NONE = 0;
+ constexpr uint8_t POLICY_ROUTE_V4 = 1 << 0;
+ constexpr uint8_t POLICY_ROUTE_V6 = 1 << 1;
+ uint8_t policy_route = POLICY_ROUTE_NONE;
+ for(Peer const & peer : cfg.peers) {
+ for(Cidr const & cidr : peer.allowed_ips) {
+ if(cidr.is_default_route) {
+ policy_route |= cidr.is_ipv4 ? POLICY_ROUTE_V4 : POLICY_ROUTE_V6;
+ }
+ network << "[Route]\n";
+ network << "Destination = " << cidr.route << "\n";
+ uint32_t table = cfg.has_default_route ? fwd_table : cfg.intf.table;
+ if(table) {
+ network << "Table = " << table << "\n";
+ }
+ network << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if(policy_route != POLICY_ROUTE_NONE) {
+ char const * family = nullptr;
+ switch(policy_route) {
+ family = "ipv6";
+ break;
+ family = "ipv4";
+ break;
+ family = "both";
+ break;
+ }
+ network << "[RoutingPolicyRule]\n";
+ network << "SuppressPrefixLength = 0\n";
+ network << "Family = " << family << "\n";
+ network << "Priority = 32764\n";
+ network << "\n";
+ network << "[RoutingPolicyRule]\n";
+ network << "FirewallMark = 0x" << std::hex << fwd_table << std::dec << "\n";
+ network << "InvertRule = true\n";
+ network << "Table = " << fwd_table << "\n";
+ network << "Family = " << family << "\n";
+ network << "Priority = 32765\n";
+ network << "\n";
+ }
+ return network.str();
+ }
+ static uint32_t _deterministic_random_table(std::string const & interface_name) {
+ uint32_t table = 0;
+ while(table == 0 or table == MAIN_TABLE or table == LOCAL_TABLE) {
+ table = deterministic_fwmark(interface_name);
+ }
+ return table;
+ }
+ SystemdConfig gen_systemd_config(
+ Config const & cfg,
+ std::filesystem::path const & keyfile_or_output_path,
+ std::optional<std::string> const & filename
+ ) {
+ // If the table is explicitly specified with Table=<number>,
+ // all routes are added to this table.
+ //
+ // If Table=auto and a default route exists, this
+ // table is used by the default route to supersede
+ // non-encrypted traffic traveling to /0 routes in the
+ // main routing table by using suppress_prefix policy rules.
+ // These routes match a fwmark which is identical to the
+ // table name. All other routes are placed in the main routing
+ // table.
+ //
+ // If Table=off, no routes are added.
+ uint32_t fwd_table = _deterministic_random_table(cfg.intf.name);
+ std::vector<SystemdFilespec> symmetric_keyfiles;
+ std::filesystem::path keyfile_path;
+ if(keyfile_or_output_path.has_filename()) {
+ keyfile_path = keyfile_or_output_path;
+ } else {
+ std::string private_keyfile = hashed_keyfile_name(cfg.intf.private_key);
+ keyfile_path = keyfile_or_output_path / private_keyfile;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> warnings;
+#define WarnOnIntfField(field_, field_name) \
+if(!cfg.intf.field_.empty()) { \
+ warnings.push_back("[Interface] section contains a field \"" field_name "\" which does not have a systemd-networkd analog, omitting"); \
+ WarnOnIntfField(preup, "PreUp")
+ WarnOnIntfField(postup, "PostUp")
+ WarnOnIntfField(predown, "PreDown")
+ WarnOnIntfField(postdown, "PostDown")
+ WarnOnIntfField(save_config, "SaveConfig")
+ if(!cfg.intf.preup.empty()) {
+ warnings.push_back("[Interface] section contains a field \"PreUp\" which does not have a systemd-networkd analog");
+ }
+ std::string const & basename = filename.value_or(cfg.intf.name);
+ return SystemdConfig {
+ .netdev = {
+ .name = basename + ".netdev",
+ .contents = _gen_netdev_cfg(cfg, fwd_table, keyfile_path, symmetric_keyfiles),
+ },
+ .network = {
+ .name = basename + ".network",
+ .contents = _gen_network_cfg(cfg, fwd_table)
+ },
+ .private_keyfile = {
+ .name = keyfile_path.filename(),
+ .contents = cfg.intf.private_key + "\n",
+ },
+ .symmetric_keyfiles = std::move(symmetric_keyfiles),
+ .warnings = std::move(warnings),
+ .firewall = _gen_nftables_firewall(cfg, fwd_table),
+ };
+ }
+ SystemdConfig wg2nd(std::string const & interface_name, std::istream & stream,
+ std::filesystem::path const & keyfile_or_output_path, std::optional<std::string> const & filename) {
+ return gen_systemd_config(parse_config(interface_name, stream), keyfile_or_output_path, filename);
+ }