wg2nd - WireGuard to systemd-networkd Configuration Converter ============================================================= `wg2nd` is a specialized utility designed to convert WireGuard configurations in the `wg-quick(8)` format into `systemd-networkd` compatible configurations. It serves as an intermediary tool, facilitating the migration of functional configurations from `wg-quick` to `networkd`. Purpose ------- The primary purpose of `wg2nd` is to act as a bridge between the `wg-quick` utility and `networkd`. `networkd` is a feature-complete network manager that offers more control over managing WireGuard tunnels. Additionally, migrating these configurations to `networkd` can address reliability issues that may arise due to `networkd` interfering with WireGuard tunnels it doesn't manage. Compatibility and Limitations ----------------------------- `wg2nd` is capable of translating almost all configurations without requiring additional configuration, although exceptions may arise in certain situations. Notable technical distinctions include: 1. **Dynamic Firewall Installation**: `wg-quick(8)` automatically installs a firewall when a default route is specified (e.g., `` or `::/0` in `AllowedIPs`). However, `wg2nd` does not perform this action by default when using the `install` command. Users can generate an equivalent firewall using the `wg2nd generate -t nft CONFIG_FILE` command and install it into a file accessible by `nft` (See `nft(8)` for details). 2. **Additional Scripting**: `wg2nd` ignores the `PreUp`, `PostUp`, `PreDown`, and `PostDown` script snippets recognized by `wg-quick`. These script snippets are not processed during the translation process. Users relying on these scripts should install them statically or manage them through `systemd`. 3. **FwMark and Table Handling**: While `wg-quick` dynamically determines the availability of `FwMark` and `Table` options, avoiding conflicts with existing routing tables and firewall marks, `wg2nd` generates the `fwmark` using a deterministic method based on the interface name. This scenario is highly unlikely. Concerns might arise if more than 500 interfaces using default routes are active simultaneously, but even then, the probability is low. Installation ------------ To install `wg2nd`, please follow the instructions below based on your distribution: ### Ubuntu/Debian ```bash sudo apt install build-essential libcap-dev make sudo make install ``` ### Arch Linux ```bash sudo pacman -S make gcc libcap make sudo make install ``` Issues & Contributions ---------------------- Issues can be reported on the [GitHub mirror](https://github.com/flu0r1ne/wg2nd). Pull requests are welcome and can be submitted on [GitHub](https://github.com/flu0r1ne/wg2nd). Alternatively, you can send patches via [email](mailto:flu0r1ne@flu0r1ne.net). If you contribute, your name will be added to the contributors list. Example Usage ------------- ### Single Conversion For converting a single WireGuard configuration file (`wg0.conf`) to `systemd-networkd` format and installing it in `/etc/systemd/network/`, execute the following commands: ```bash # Generate the networkd configuration wg2nd install /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf # Append firewall rules to nft(8) wg2nd generate -t nft /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf >> /etc/nftables.conf # Activate the network interface networkctl up wg0 ``` To enable automatic starting, use `wg2nd install -a up /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf`. This sets the default [activation policy](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/latest/systemd.network.html#ActivationPolicy=) to `up`. ### Batch Conversion For batch converting all WireGuard configuration files in a directory (e.g., `/etc/wireguard/`), run the following command as root: ```bash for file in /etc/wireguard/*.conf; do wg2nd install $file done # Activate the network interface networkctl up INTERFACE_NAME ``` Usage ----- `wg2nd` provides two primary actions: `install` and `generate`. The `generate` subcommand generates specific components of the configurations and outputs them to `stdout`. The `install` command installs the configuration with the appropriate permissions. ```plaintext Usage: wg2nd { install, generate } [ OPTIONS ] { -h, CONFIG_FILE } Usage: wg2nd version CONFIG_FILE is the complete path to a WireGuard configuration file, used by `wg-quick`. `wg2nd` will convert the WireGuard configuration to networkd files. The generated configurations are functionally equivalent to `wg-quick(8)` with the following exceptions: 1. When unspecified, `wg-quick` determines whether `FwMark` and `Table` are available dynamically, ensuring that the routing table and `fwmark` are not already in use. `wg2nd` sets the `fwmark` to a random number (deterministically generated from the interface name). If more than 500 `fwmarks` are in use, there is a non-negligible chance of a collision. This would occur when there are more than 500 active WireGuard interfaces. 2. The PreUp, PostUp, PreDown, and PostDown script snippets are ignored. 3. `wg-quick(8)` installs a firewall when a default route is specified (i.e., when `` or `::/0` are specified in `AllowedIPs`). This is not installed by default with `wg2nd install`. The equivalent firewall can be generated with `wg2nd generate -t nft CONFIG_FILE`. Refer to `nft(8)` for details. Actions: install Generate and install the configuration with restricted permissions generate Generate specific configuration files and write the results to stdout Options: -h Print this help ``` ```plaintext Usage: ./wg2nd install [ -h ] [ -a ACTIVATION_POLICY ] [ -f FILE_NAME ] [ -o OUTPUT_PATH ] CONFIG_FILE `wg2nd install` translates `wg-quick(8)` configuration into corresponding `networkd` configuration and installs the resulting files in `OUTPUT_PATH`. `wg2nd install` generates a `netdev`, `network`, and `keyfile` for each CONFIG_FILE. Links will be installed with a `manual` `ActivationPolicy`. The interface can be brought up with `networkctl up INTERFACE` and down with `networkctl down INTERFACE`. `wg-quick(8)` installs a firewall when a default route (i.e., when `` or `::/0` is specified in `AllowedIPs`). This is not installed by default with `wg2nd install`. The equivalent firewall can be generated with `wg2nd generate -t nft CONFIG_FILE`. Options: -a ACTIVATION_POLICY manual Require manual activation (default) up Automatically set the link "up" -o OUTPUT_PATH The installation path (default is /etc/systemd/network) -f FILE_NAME The base name for the installed configuration files. The networkd-specific configuration suffix will be added (FILE_NAME.netdev for systemd-netdev(8) files, FILE_NAME.network for systemd-network(8) files, and FILE_NAME.keyfile for keyfiles) -k KEYFILE The name of the private keyfile -h Print this help ``` ```plaintext Usage: ./wg2nd generate [ -h ] [ -a ACTIVATION_POLICY ] [ -k KEYPATH ] [ -t { network, netdev, keyfile, nft } ] CONFIG_FILE Options: -a ACTIVATION_POLICY manual Require manual activation (default) up Automatically set the link "up" -t FILE_TYPE network Generate a Network Configuration File (see systemd.network(8)) netdev Generate a Virtual Device File (see systemd.netdev(8)) keyfile Print the interface's private key nft Print the netfilter table `nft(8)` installed by `wg-quick(8)` -k KEYPATH Full path to the keyfile (a path relative to /etc/systemd/network is generated if unspecified) -h Print this help ```