// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT /* * Copyright (C) 2023 Alex David */ #include "version.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBCAP #include #endif /* HAVE_LIBCAP */ // ===================================== // ERROR HANDING - FROM FCUTILS // ===================================== #include #include #include #include #include #define FORMAT_MAX_SIZE 1024 extern int errno; void format_with_errno(char * buf, size_t n, char const * format) { char const * errstr = strerror(errno); char fmt_err[256]; size_t i = 0, j = 0; while(errstr[j] && i < sizeof(fmt_err) - 1) { if((fmt_err[i++] = errstr[j++]) != '%') continue; if(i < sizeof(fmt_err) - 1) { fmt_err[i++] = '%'; } else { i--; } } fmt_err[i] = '\0'; snprintf(buf, n, "%s: %s", format, fmt_err); } [[noreturn]] void die_errno(char const * format, ...) { va_list vargs; va_start (vargs, format); char buf[FORMAT_MAX_SIZE]; format_with_errno(buf, sizeof(buf), format); vfprintf(stderr, buf, vargs); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); va_end(vargs); } [[noreturn]] void die(char const * format, ...) { va_list vargs; va_start (vargs, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, vargs); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(vargs); exit(1); } void err(char const * format, ...) { va_list vargs; va_start (vargs, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, vargs); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(vargs); } // ============================================= // COMMAND LINE UTILITY // ============================================= constexpr char const * DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH = "/etc/systemd/network/"; /* * HELP AND USAGE */ void die_usage(const char *prog) { err("Usage: %s { install, generate } [ OPTIONS ] { -h, CONFIG_FILE }", prog); err("Usage: %s version", prog); die("Use -h for help"); } void print_help(const char *prog) { err("Usage: %s { install, generate } [ OPTIONS ] { -h, CONFIG_FILE }", prog); err("Usage: %s version\n", prog); err(" CONFIG_FILE is the complete path to a WireGuard configuration file, used by"); err(" `wg-quick`. `wg2nd` will convert the WireGuard configuration to networkd"); err(" files.\n"); err(" The generated configurations are functionally equivalent to `wg-quick(8)`"); err(" with the following exceptions:\n"); err(" 1. When unspecified, `wg-quick` determines whether `FwMark` and `Table` are available dynamically,"); err(" ensuring that the routing table and `fwmark` are not already in use. `wg2nd` sets"); err(" the `fwmark` to a random number (deterministically generated from the interface"); err(" name). If more than 500 `fwmarks` are in use, there is a non-negligible chance of a"); err(" collision. This would occur when there are more than 500 active WireGuard interfaces.\n"); err(" 2. The PreUp, PostUp, PreDown, and PostDown script snippets are ignored.\n"); err(" 3. `wg-quick(8)` installs a firewall when a default route is specified (i.e., when ``"); err(" or `::/0` are specified in `AllowedIPs`). This is not installed by"); err(" default with `wg2nd install`. The equivalent firewall can be generated with"); err(" `wg2nd generate -t nft CONFIG_FILE`. Refer to `nft(8)` for details.\n"); err(" Actions:"); err(" install Generate and install the configuration with restricted permissions"); err(" generate Generate specific configuration files and write the results to stdout\n"); err(" Options:"); err(" -h Print this help"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } void die_usage_generate(const char *prog) { err("Usage: %s generate [ -h ] [ -k KEYPATH ] [ -t { network, netdev, keyfile, nft } ] CONFIG_FILE", prog); die("Use -h for help"); } void print_help_generate(const char *prog) { err("Usage: %s generate [ -h ] [ -k KEYPATH ] [ -t { network, netdev, keyfile, nft } ] CONFIG_FILE\n", prog); err("Options:"); err(" -t FILE_TYPE"); err(" network Generate a Network Configuration File (see systemd.network(8))"); err(" netdev Generate a Virtual Device File (see systemd.netdev(8))"); err(" keyfile Print the interface's private key"); err(" nft Print the netfilter table `nft(8)` installed by `wg-quick(8)`\n"); err(" -k KEYPATH Full path to the keyfile (a path relative to /etc/systemd/network is generated"); err(" if unspecified)\n"); err(" -h Print this help"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } void die_usage_install(const char *prog) { err("Usage: %s install [ -h ] [ -f FILE_NAME ] [ -k KEYFILE ] [ -o OUTPUT_PATH ] CONFIG_FILE", prog); die("Use -h for help"); } void print_help_install(const char *prog) { err("Usage: %s install [ -h ] [ -f FILE_NAME ] [ -o OUTPUT_PATH ] CONFIG_FILE\n", prog); err(" `wg2nd install` translates `wg-quick(8)` configuration into corresponding"); err(" `networkd` configuration and installs the resulting files in `OUTPUT_PATH`.\n"); err(" `wg2nd install` generates a `netdev`, `network`, and `keyfile` for each"); err(" CONFIG_FILE. Links will be installed with a `manual` `ActivationPolicy`."); err(" The interface can be brought up with `networkctl up INTERFACE` and down"); err(" with `networkctl down INTERFACE`.\n"); err(" `wg-quick(8)` installs a firewall when a default route (i.e., when ``"); err(" or `::/0` is specified in `AllowedIPs`). This is not installed by default"); err(" with `wg2nd install`. The equivalent firewall can be generated with"); err(" `wg2nd generate -t nft CONFIG_FILE`.\n"); err("Options:"); err(" -o OUTPUT_PATH The installation path (default is /etc/systemd/network)\n"); err(" -f FILE_NAME The base name for the installed configuration files. The"); err(" networkd-specific configuration suffix will be added"); err(" (FILE_NAME.netdev for systemd-netdev(8) files,"); err(" FILE_NAME.network for systemd-network(8) files,"); err(" and FILE_NAME.keyfile for keyfiles)\n"); err(" -k KEYFILE The name of the private keyfile\n"); err(" -h Print this help"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* * PARSING */ enum class FileType { NONE = 0, NETWORK, NETDEV, KEYFILE, NFT }; /* * INTERNAL LOGIC */ #include "wg2nd.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace wg2nd; void write_systemd_file(SystemdFilespec const & filespec, std::string output_path, bool secure) { std::string full_path = output_path + "/" + filespec.name; std::ofstream ofs; if (secure) { // Set permissions to 0640 before writing the file umask(0027); // Open the file ofs.open(full_path, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); if (!ofs.is_open()) { die("Failed to open file %s for writing", full_path.c_str()); } // Change ownership to root:systemd-network struct group *grp; grp = getgrnam("systemd-network"); if (grp == nullptr) { die_errno("Failed to find the 'systemd-network' group"); } if (chown(full_path.c_str(), 0, grp->gr_gid) != 0) { die_errno("Failed to change ownership of file %s", full_path.c_str()); } // Set permissions if (chmod(full_path.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP) != 0) { die_errno("Failed to set permissions for file %s", full_path.c_str()); } } else { ofs.open(full_path, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); if (!ofs.is_open()) { die_errno("Failed to open file %s for writing", full_path.c_str()); } } // Write the contents to the file ofs << filespec.contents; if (ofs.fail()) { die("Failed to write to file %s", full_path.c_str()); } } SystemdConfig generate_cfg_or_die( std::filesystem::path && config_path, std::filesystem::path const & keyfile_or_output_path, std::optional const & filename ) { std::fstream cfg_stream { config_path, std::ios_base::in }; if(!cfg_stream.is_open()) { die("Failed to open config file %s", config_path.string().c_str()); } SystemdConfig cfg; std::string interface_name = interface_name_from_filename(config_path); try { cfg = wg2nd::wg2nd(interface_name, cfg_stream, keyfile_or_output_path, filename); } catch(ConfigurationException const & cex) { const ParsingException * pex = dynamic_cast(&cex); if(pex && pex->line_no().has_value()) { die("parsing error (line %llu): %s", pex->line_no().value(), pex->what()); } else { die("configuration error: %s", cex.what()); } } return cfg; } void wg2nd_install_internal(std::optional && filename, std::string && keyfile_name, std::filesystem::path && output_path, std::filesystem::path && config_path) { if(!std::filesystem::path(output_path).is_absolute()) { output_path = std::filesystem::absolute(output_path); } std::filesystem::path keyfile_or_output_path = output_path; if(!keyfile_name.empty()) { keyfile_or_output_path /= keyfile_name; } SystemdConfig cfg = generate_cfg_or_die(std::move(config_path), keyfile_or_output_path, std::move(filename)); for(std::string const & warning : cfg.warnings) { err("warning: %s", warning.c_str()); } write_systemd_file(cfg.netdev, output_path, false); write_systemd_file(cfg.network, output_path, false); write_systemd_file(cfg.private_keyfile, output_path, true); for(SystemdFilespec const & spec : cfg.symmetric_keyfiles) { write_systemd_file(spec, output_path, true); } } void wg2nd_generate_internal(FileType type, std::string && config_file, std::optional && keyfile_path) { SystemdConfig cfg = generate_cfg_or_die( std::move(config_file), std::move(keyfile_path.value_or(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH)), {} ); switch(type) { case FileType::NFT: printf("%s", cfg.firewall.c_str()); break; case FileType::NETWORK: printf("%s", cfg.network.contents.c_str()); break; case FileType::NETDEV: printf("%s", cfg.netdev.contents.c_str()); break; case FileType::KEYFILE: printf("%s", cfg.private_keyfile.contents.c_str()); break; default: break; } } static int wg2nd_generate(char const * prog, int argc, char **argv) { std::filesystem::path config_path = ""; FileType type = FileType::NONE; std::optional keyfile_path = {}; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "ht:k:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 't': if (strcmp(optarg, "network") == 0) { type = FileType::NETWORK; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "netdev") == 0) { type = FileType::NETDEV; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "keyfile") == 0) { type = FileType::KEYFILE; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "nft") == 0) { type = FileType::NFT; } else { die("Unknown file type: %s", optarg); } break; case 'k': keyfile_path = optarg; break; case 'h': print_help_generate(prog); break; default: die_usage_generate(prog); } } if (optind >= argc) { die_usage_generate(prog); } config_path = argv[optind]; wg2nd_generate_internal(type, std::move(config_path), std::move(keyfile_path)); return 0; } static int wg2nd_install(char const * prog, int argc, char **argv) { std::filesystem::path config_path = ""; std::optional filename = {}; std::filesystem::path output_path = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH; std::string keyfile_name = ""; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "o:f:k:h")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'o': { std::string path = optarg; if(path[path.size() - 1] != '/') { path.push_back('/'); } output_path = std::move(path); break; } case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 'h': print_help_install(prog); break; case 'k': keyfile_name = optarg; break; default: die_usage_install(prog); } } if (optind >= argc) { die_usage_install(prog); } config_path = argv[optind]; wg2nd_install_internal(std::move(filename), std::move(keyfile_name), std::move(output_path), std::move(config_path)); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBCAP // Drop excess capabilities and ensure the process have proper capabilities upfront void drop_excess_capabilities(std::vector cap_required) { cap_t current_cap = cap_get_proc(); cap_t wanted_cap = cap_get_proc(); if(!current_cap || !wanted_cap) { goto die_cap_failure; } if(cap_clear(wanted_cap)) { goto die_cap_failure; } // Add required capabilities to the wanted set for(cap_value_t cap : cap_required) { cap_flag_value_t is_set; // Print nice error message if the user does not have the required permissions if(cap_get_flag(current_cap, cap, CAP_PERMITTED, &is_set)) { goto die_cap_failure; } if(is_set != CAP_SET) { char * name = cap_to_name(cap); die("Failed to obtain capability \"%s\": do you need to elevate permissions?", name); } if(cap_set_flag(wanted_cap, CAP_PERMITTED, 1, &cap, CAP_SET)) { goto die_cap_failure; } if(cap_set_flag(wanted_cap, CAP_EFFECTIVE, 1, &cap, CAP_SET)) { goto die_cap_failure; } } if(cap_set_proc(wanted_cap)) { goto die_cap_failure; } if(cap_free(wanted_cap) || cap_free(current_cap)) { goto die_cap_failure; } return; die_cap_failure: die_errno("Failed to drop capabilities"); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBCAP */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char const * prog = "wg2nd"; if(argc > 0) { prog = argv[0]; } if (argc < 2) { die_usage(prog); } std::string action = argv[1]; #ifdef HAVE_LIBCAP std::vector required_caps; if(action == "install") { required_caps.push_back(CAP_CHOWN); required_caps.push_back(CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE); } drop_excess_capabilities(required_caps); #endif /* HAVE_LIBCAP */ if (action == "generate") { return wg2nd_generate(prog, argc - 1, argv + 1); } else if (action == "install") { return wg2nd_install(prog, argc - 1, argv + 1); } else if (action == "version") { printf("%s\n", VERSION); } else if (action == "-h" || action == "--help") { print_help(prog); } else { err("Unknown action: %s", action.c_str()); die_usage(prog); } return 0; }