
Temporary Workspaces Manager (ws)


ws is a lightweight bash program designed to create and manage temporary workspaces. It proves useful in command-line intensive workflows, allowing users to quickly create temporary directories for tasks like prototyping programs, transcoding audio, or downloading files. This program was developed as a means to sharpen my skills in the Go programming language. It incorporates a shell wrapper to access shell built-ins within the current session.


  1. Run the following commands
sudo make install
mkdir ~/ws
  1. Add the following line to your .zshrc or .bashrc file:
eval "$(ws_internal activate)"


Usage: ws [command]

ws is a program for managing temporary workspaces.

  list|ls          List all available workspaces
  new              Create a new workspace and change into it
                   Print the current workspace path
  recent|rec       Change to the most recently used workspace
  next|n           Change to the next workspace in the history
  prev|p           Change to the previous workspace in the history
  remove|rm        Remove the current workspace and return to the previous one
  return|ret       Return to the previous workspace
  usage            Show this usage information


Create a new workspace and change into it:

[user@ubuntu ~] ws new
[user@ubuntu 2023-06-25_07:35:20.2685626823]

Return to the previous location with ret:

[user@ubuntu 2023-06-25_07:35:20.2685626823] ws ret
[user@ubuntu ~]

List workspaces with ls:

[user@ubuntu ~] ws ls
1 2023-06-25_07:29:02.3918850963 0 days 0 hours 6 min 58 secs
2 2023-06-25_07:35:20.2685626823 0 days 0 hours 0 min 41 secs

Change into the most recently accessed workspace with ws:

[user@ubuntu ~] ws
[user@ubuntu 2023-06-25_07:35:20.2685626823]

Move back one workspace with prev or p:

[user@ubuntu 2023-06-25_07:35:20.2685626823] ws p
[user@ubuntu 2023-06-25_07:29:02.3918850963]

Move forward one workspace with next or n:

[user@ubuntu 2023-06-25_07:29:02.3918850963] ws n
[user@ubuntu 2023-06-25_07:35:20.2685626823]