package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "time" ) /********************************************* * Workspace Root *********************************************/ type workspaceRoot struct { path string }; func systemWorkspaceRoot() workspaceRoot { const WORKSPACE_DIR = "ws" home, err := os.UserHomeDir() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("The user home directory is not defined: %v", err) } workspaceRootPath := filepath.Join(home, WORKSPACE_DIR); _, err = os.Stat(workspaceRootPath) if os.IsNotExist(err) { if err := os.Mkdir(workspaceRootPath, 0755); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to create directory: %s", workspaceRootPath); } } return workspaceRoot { workspaceRootPath } } type workspaceDirs []*workspaceDir func (wsRoot *workspaceRoot) readWorkspaces() workspaceDirs { dirs, err := os.ReadDir(wsRoot.path) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to read workspaces in %s: %v", wsRoot.path, err); } workspaces := make([]*workspaceDir, 0) for _, dir := range dirs { if !dir.Type().IsDir() { continue } wsDir, err := newWorkspaceFromName(wsRoot, dir.Name()) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error reading directory in workspace %s: %s: %v", wsRoot.path, dir.Name(), err); continue } workspaces = append(workspaces, wsDir); } return workspaces } func (dirs workspaceDirs) findDirByName(name string) *workspaceDir { birthTime, nonce, err := parseWorkspaceName(name) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Cannot find directory %s, error parsing name", name); } var dir *workspaceDir = nil for _, dir = range dirs { if dir.birthTime.Equal(*birthTime) && dir.nonce == *nonce { break } } return dir } /********************************************* * Workspace Directory Object *********************************************/ type workspaceDir struct { birthTime time.Time nonce string accessTime time.Time parent *workspaceRoot } var MisformattedWorkspaceError = errors.New("Misformatted workspace name error") func formatWorkspaceName(birthTime time.Time, nonce string) string { dateTime := birthTime.UTC().Format(time.DateTime) dateTime = strings.ReplaceAll(dateTime, " ", "_") return dateTime + "." + nonce } func parseWorkspaceName(name string) (birthTime *time.Time, nonce *string, err error) { parts := strings.Split(name, ".") if len(parts) != 2 { return nil, nil, MisformattedWorkspaceError } dateTime := strings.ReplaceAll(parts[0], "_", " ") timePart, err := time.ParseInLocation(time.DateTime, dateTime, time.UTC) noncePart := parts[1] if err != nil { return nil, nil, MisformattedWorkspaceError } return &timePart, &noncePart, nil } func newWorkspaceFromName(parent *workspaceRoot, name string) (dir *workspaceDir, err error) { dir = nil birthTime, nonce, err := parseWorkspaceName(name) if err != nil { return } st, err := os.Stat(path.Join(parent.path, name)) if err != nil { return } dir = &workspaceDir { *birthTime, *nonce, st.ModTime(), parent, } return } func createWorkspaceDir(ws *workspaceRoot) workspaceDir { birthTime := time.Now() namePattern := formatWorkspaceName(birthTime, "*") dir, err := os.MkdirTemp(ws.path, namePattern) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to create new workspace directory: %v", err); } dir = path.Base(dir) _, nonce, err := parseWorkspaceName(dir) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to parse the workspace name: %v\n", err); } return workspaceDir { birthTime, *nonce, birthTime, ws, }; } func (dir *workspaceDir) name() string { return formatWorkspaceName(dir.birthTime, dir.nonce) } func (dir *workspaceDir) path() string { return path.Join(dir.parent.path, } func (dir *workspaceDir) timeSinceLastAccess() time.Duration { return time.Since(dir.accessTime) } /********************************************* * Commands Helpers *********************************************/ const ( secondsInSec = 1 minsInSec = 60 * secondsInSec hourInSec = 60 * minsInSec dayInSec = 24 * hourInSec ) func formatTimestamp(duration time.Duration) string { secs := int64(duration.Seconds()) days := secs / dayInSec secs %= dayInSec hours := secs / hourInSec secs %= hourInSec mins := secs / minsInSec secs %= minsInSec return fmt.Sprintf("%d days %d hours %d min %d secs", days, hours, mins, secs) } func readRecencySortedWorkspaces() (*workspaceRoot, workspaceDirs) { wsRoot := systemWorkspaceRoot() workspaces := wsRoot.readWorkspaces() sort.Slice(workspaces, func(i, j int) bool { return workspaces[i].accessTime.Compare(workspaces[j].accessTime) < 0 }) return &wsRoot, workspaces } func currentWorkspace(wsRoot *workspaceRoot, workspaces workspaceDirs) int { cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to obtain the working directory: %s\n", err); } if !strings.HasPrefix(cwd, wsRoot.path) { log.Fatalf("The current working directory is not in a workspace\n") } dirName := path.Base(cwd) cur_idx := 0 for ; cur_idx < len(workspaces); cur_idx++ { dir := workspaces[cur_idx] if == dirName { break } } if cur_idx == len(workspaces) { log.Fatalf("Failed to find %s\n", dirName) } return cur_idx } /********************************************* * Commands *********************************************/ func createNewWorkspace() { ws := systemWorkspaceRoot() workspace := createWorkspaceDir(&ws) path := workspace.path() if err := os.Chdir(path); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to change into directory: %v\n", err) } fmt.Println(path) } func listWorkspaces() { _, workspaces := readRecencySortedWorkspaces() for i, ws := range workspaces { delta := ws.timeSinceLastAccess() fmt.Println(i + 1,, formatTimestamp(delta)) } } func printRecentWorkspace() { _, workspaces := readRecencySortedWorkspaces() if len(workspaces) == 0 { log.Fatalln("There are currently no workspaces. Create a workspace with `ws new`.") } fmt.Println(workspaces[len(workspaces) - 1].path()) } type printWorkspaceSubcmd int const ( PrevWs printWorkspaceSubcmd = iota NextWs CurrWs ) func printWorkspace(subcmd printWorkspaceSubcmd) { wsRoot, workspaces := readRecencySortedWorkspaces() idx := currentWorkspace(wsRoot, workspaces) switch subcmd { case PrevWs: if idx <= 0 { log.Fatalln("The first workspace has been reached") } idx-- case NextWs: if idx + 1 >= len(workspaces) { log.Fatalln("The current workspace is the newest workspace") } idx++ } fmt.Println(workspaces[idx].path()) } func printWorkspaceRoot() { wsRoot := systemWorkspaceRoot() fmt.Println(wsRoot.path) } func fatalPrintUsage() { fmt.Printf(` ws internal ws_internal create_new_workspace ws_internal list_workspaces ws_internal print_recent_workspace ws_internal print_current_workspace ws_internal print_next_workspace ws_internal print_prev_workspace ws_internal print_workspace_root ws_internal activate `) os.Exit(1) } func main() { if len(os.Args) < 1 { os.Exit(127) } prog := os.Args[0] log.SetPrefix(prog + ": ") log.SetFlags(0) if len(os.Args) < 2 { fatalPrintUsage() } cmd := os.Args[1] switch cmd { case "create_new_workspace": createNewWorkspace() case "list_workspaces": listWorkspaces() case "print_recent_workspace": printRecentWorkspace() case "print_current_workspace": printWorkspace(CurrWs) case "print_next_workspace": printWorkspace(NextWs) case "print_prev_workspace": printWorkspace(PrevWs) case "print_workspace_root": printWorkspaceRoot() case "activate": fmt.Print(shellWrapper) default: fatalPrintUsage() } }