path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a44fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// Requires clap and statrs
+use statrs::function::gamma::ln_gamma;
+use std::f64::consts::E;
+use clap::Parser;
+struct LnGammaCache {
+ n: usize,
+ k: usize,
+ n_log: f64,
+ // contains [0, k] which represents [1, k+1]
+ lk_tab: Vec<f64>,
+ // contains [n-k, n]
+ hk_tab: Vec<f64>,
+impl LnGammaCache {
+ fn precompute_ktab(&mut self, n: usize) {
+ for k in 0..=self.k {
+ self.lk_tab[k] = ln_gamma((k + 1) as f64);
+ self.hk_tab[k] = ln_gamma((n - k + 1) as f64);
+ }
+ }
+ fn new(n: usize, k: usize) -> Self {
+ let mut cache = LnGammaCache {
+ n,
+ k,
+ n_log: (n as f64).ln(),
+ lk_tab: vec![0f64; k+1],
+ hk_tab: vec![0f64; k+1],
+ };
+ cache.precompute_ktab(n);
+ cache
+ }
+ unsafe fn ln_gamma_unchecked(&self, i: usize) -> f64 {
+ unsafe {
+ if i <= self.k + 1 {
+ debug_assert!(i > 0, "Uncached call to ln_gamma");
+ return *self.lk_tab.get_unchecked(i - 1)
+ } else {
+ debug_assert!(self.n - self.k <= i && i <= self.n + 1, "Uncached call to ln_gamma");
+ return *self.hk_tab.get_unchecked(self.n - (i - 1))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// The performance is dependent heavily on the execution time of this function
+// After many optimizations, powf is the most computationally expensive unit in this routine
+fn evaluate_probability_log_gamma(
+ partition: &[usize],
+ k: usize,
+ n: usize,
+ maxpart: usize,
+ cache: &LnGammaCache,
+) -> f64 {
+ let mut c0 = 0;
+ for i in 0..maxpart {
+ c0 += partition[i];
+ }
+ c0 = n - c0;
+ let log_probability = unsafe {
+ let mut log_denominator = (k as f64) * cache.n_log + cache.ln_gamma_unchecked(c0 + 1);
+ let log_numerator = cache.ln_gamma_unchecked(n + 1) + cache.ln_gamma_unchecked(k + 1);
+ for i in 0..maxpart {
+ log_denominator += cache.ln_gamma_unchecked(partition[i] + 1);
+ log_denominator += (partition[i] as f64) * cache.ln_gamma_unchecked(i + 2);
+ }
+ log_numerator - log_denominator
+ };
+ E.powf(log_probability)
+fn evaluate_probability(
+ partition: &[usize],
+ probdist: &mut [f64],
+ k: usize,
+ n: usize,
+ maxpart: usize,
+ cache: &LnGammaCache
+) {
+ let mut collisions = 0usize;
+ for i in 1..maxpart {
+ collisions += i * partition[i];
+ }
+ probdist[collisions] += evaluate_probability_log_gamma(partition, k, n, maxpart, cache);
+fn generate_partitions_dfs(
+ partition: &mut [usize],
+ probdist: &mut [f64],
+ k: usize,
+ n: usize,
+ n_collisions: usize,
+ collision_ub: usize,
+ level_ub: &[usize],
+ cache: &LnGammaCache,
+) {
+ if n_collisions > collision_ub {
+ return;
+ }
+ generate_partitions_dfs(partition, probdist, k, n, n_collisions + 1, collision_ub, level_ub, cache);
+ let mut n_subcomb = partition[0] / n_collisions;
+ n_subcomb = std::cmp::min(n_subcomb, level_ub[n_collisions - 1]);
+ for i in 1..=n_subcomb {
+ partition[0] -= i * n_collisions;
+ partition[n_collisions- 1] += i;
+ evaluate_probability(partition, probdist, k, n, n_collisions, cache);
+ generate_partitions_dfs(partition, probdist, k, n, n_collisions + 1, collision_ub, level_ub, cache);
+ partition[0] += i * n_collisions;
+ partition[n_collisions - 1] -= i;
+ }
+fn generate_partitions(
+ k: usize,
+ n: usize,
+ collision_ub: usize,
+ level_ub: &[usize],
+) -> Vec<f64> {
+ let mut partitions = vec![0usize; k];
+ let mut probdist = vec![0f64; k];
+ partitions[0] = k;
+ let cache = LnGammaCache::new(n, k);
+ if collision_ub > 0 {
+ evaluate_probability(&partitions, &mut probdist, k, n, 1, &cache);
+ }
+ if collision_ub > 1 {
+ generate_partitions_dfs(&mut partitions, &mut probdist, k, n, 2, collision_ub, level_ub, &cache);
+ }
+ return probdist;
+fn parse_max_level_collisions(s: &str) -> Vec<usize> {
+ let mut max_sizes = Vec::new();
+ let mut add_token = |token: &str| {
+ let sz = match token.parse::<usize>() {
+ Ok(res) => res,
+ Err(err) => {
+ eprintln!("Failed to parse max sizes: {}", err);
+ std::process::exit(1);
+ }
+ };
+ max_sizes.push(sz);
+ };
+ let mut i = 0usize;
+ while let Some(j) = s[i..].find(',') {
+ add_token(&s[i..i+j]);
+ i += j + 1;
+ }
+ add_token(&s[i..]);
+ max_sizes
+#[command(author, version, about)]
+struct Args {
+ n: usize,
+ k: usize,
+ // Only consider collisions up until this bound (inclusive)
+ // For collision_ub=4, combinations of zero, one, two, three, and four
+ // collisions are calculated
+ collision_ub: Option<usize>,
+ // Only consider collisions up to level_ub_l collisions for level l.
+ // For example, if level_ub_3 = 10 this means we only consider scenarios
+ // in which three hashes co-collide up to 10 times
+ level_ub: Option<String>,
+fn main() {
+ let args = Args::parse();
+ if args.n == 0 || args.k == 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ if args.k >= args.n {
+ eprintln!("This computation is optimized for k < n.");
+ std::process::exit(1);
+ }
+ let collision_ub = match args.collision_ub {
+ Some(ub) => {
+ if ub > args.k {
+ eprintln!("collision_ub={} hashes cannot collide if only k={} values are hashed", ub, args.k);
+ }
+ ub
+ },
+ None => args.k
+ };
+ let level_ub: Vec<usize>;
+ if let Some(ub_spec) = args.level_ub {
+ level_ub = parse_max_level_collisions(&ub_spec[..]);
+ if level_ub.len() != collision_ub {
+ eprintln!("Please specify {} bounds for each level", collision_ub);
+ std::process::exit(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ level_ub = vec![args.k; collision_ub + 1];
+ }
+ let probdist = generate_partitions(args.k, args.n, collision_ub, &level_ub[..]);
+ for i in 0..probdist.len() {
+ println!("{},{}", i, probdist[i]);
+ }